Some Good Reasons for Joining…
- As a member, you will be part of an organisation that helps to promote and market the arts in Stafford Borough. Your society can use this web site to promote your activities and events as well as getting information about other societies and links. You can also can keep up to date with local developments.
- Member societies can apply to Stafford District Arts Council for grants. We obtain the bulk of this funding from Stafford Borough Council for which we are very grateful. Such grants mean that societies can recoup their £20 per annum membership fee many times over.
- Each Arts Council Member has a vote at General Meetings and at the Annual General Meeting. Societies can, by participating in debates and voting, help to shape policy of the Arts Council. Representatives of member societies also make up the Executive Committee.
- Discounts on hire of Stafford Gatehouse Theatre, Stafford Market Square and Victoria Park Bandstand.
To join Stafford District Arts Council please use this online form. If you have any questions, or need clarification please contact the secretary. If you are a member and looking for bank details to pay your subs please find these here.