The 20th September saw the AGM for Stafford District Arts Council, conducted in the Stage Bar of Stafford Gatehouse Theatre.
I’m delighted that most members of the committee have once again been nominated for and voted onto the committee for the forthcoming year, including myself as Chair, Martin Thomson as Treasurer and Graeme Sillitoe as Secretary.
In addition we were delighted to welcome the new councillor for Rowley, Doug Rouxel who shall be attending meetings where he can, and working with us to secure further funding from the council as our 4-year SLA is up for renewal. Given the recent sweeping changes to council seats we do not have a second person from the council, but Doug is very willing and able to support us in these trying times.
In my brief address I raised my concern with the arts more broadly in Stafford. While I believe the SDAC has made a difference, and has certainly enabled events to go on that otherwise would not have more needs to be done to reach new people in Stafford, and increase engagement with the arts. Rising costs are a concern, and we shall keep meeting the needs of our members, but in the end it all comes down to bums on seats.
I look forward to working with the members of the SDAC, and Stafford Borough Council, to see what can be done to benefit all of the borough, meeting both our Charitable Objectives, as well as one of the priorities of the new council.
I hope to able to report more on concrete plans as the year progresses, and look forward to working with you all on ways in which we can help you.
Many thanks
Roger Foxcroft, Chair of SDAC